Sackville, Nova Scotia
February 6, 2010
Referees: Rick Pinkney, Dave Campbell, Dave Knox

The 4th instalment of the Ultimate Armwrestling Championship was similar to UAC 3. There were different opponents but the results were the same. Big Tim Bresnan of Connecticut took out Ryan Espey of Winnipeg in four straight matches. Ryan looked like he had something for Tim until it went to the straps. This is where Tim dominated Ryan.

Shawn Ross (3) - Craig Mitchell (2)
This left hand match appeared to be all Shawn Ross in the beginning. But Craig put up a fight and after Shawn lost one match on fouls Craig was on the hunt; driving this to 5 matches.

Chris Scott (3) - Bill Lougheed (1) Left Hand
This was much closer than the 3-1 verdict. Each match was a battle. Bill cruised to an easy victory in the first match but the next 3 were hard fought with Chris's patience winning out in the end.

Charlie McGeoghegan (3) - Shaun Deveau (0) Left Hand
This was every bit as lopsided as the score. Shaun couldn't do anything with Charlie's left.

Pat McGeoghegan (3) - Wayde Graves (0) Left Hand
Pat's top roll was too much for Wayde. Once he had Wayde rolled out he hung on for the wins. However he had to work hard for each and every win.

Jim McGeoghegan (3) - Dave Knox (0) Left Hand
Dave was able to Jim up in the first match. However after that Jim took control with his superior hand and wrist .

Rick Pinkney (3) - Matthew Purdy (1) Right Hand
Matthew was able to smash through Rick in the first match. After that Rick took control and cruised to victory.

Trever Weatherbee (3) - Rejean Allain (2) Right Hand
Trever and Rejean took turns with winning matches. Both competitors had identical styles and it came down to who got the first hit in.

Shawn Ross (3) - Charlie McGeoghegan (0) Right Hand
Shawn 's right was too much for Charlie. He let Charlie hit then took control and brought him back for the win.

Pat McGeoghegan (3) - Shaun Deveau (1) Right Hand
Shaun won the first one but Pat came back to win the next 3 in a row.

Dave Knox (3) - Will Sarty (1) Right Hand
Matches 1 & 2 were identical with Dave top rolling over Will. However in the third Will hit Dave into a hook for the win. Dave then came back in the fourth with his own hit into the hook.

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